I have based my practice on the quote You translate everything whether physical, mental, or spiritual into muscular tension.FM Alexander. As a muscular tension relief and control expert, I am here to help you during these stressful, tense times that we find ourselves in. My gift to you as we all stay home is to offer donation-based online Get Out Of Shape Somatic movement classes from the comfort of your own home. Below is the information to help guide you to finding relief from the pain, stuck body shapes, and limitations in ease of movement that can happen in times of stress.

Quick Links

Register For Each Class

When you are ready to feel better just click here!

Need more help?

* Everyone who needs a bit of help can keep scrolling down and learn how to connect and move with us! *

Attend Online Classes

Step By Step

When will your public online class be held?

  • 1st Monday 8:00 pm EST

  • 2nd Saturday 11:00am EST

  • Classes will be approximately 60 minutes in length.

  • I will update you via e-mail about any changes to these classes.

How much does it cost?

  • Classes are $15 until unless you are a member.

Medical Disclaimer:

  • You will need to be cleared and or able to do gentle, slow, self-regulated movements. If you feel that may be an issue in your case please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or movement routine or program.

What technology do I need in order to connect to your free online classes?

  • Audio:

    • Phone

  • Audio and Video

    • Smart phone with camera

    • Tablet with camera

    • Computer with a camera

How do I prepare myself before I connect to the class?

  • Start preparing 20-30 minutes before your first class to allow for setup and or technical difficulties.

  • You can set up your space on a flat-level surface.

  • In a perfect world, you will need about 7’x5’. Think of having enough space to make a snow angel.

  • A blanket, yoga mat, carpeted floor, etc. Be comfortable!

  • Have a pillow, rolled up towels, for knees and necks. Be supported!

  • Wear loose or stretchy clothing. Move well and stay warm!

How do I connect to your online class?

  • You will receive your Zoom link immediately after scheduling, in an email 24 hours before, and a in a Text a few hours before your class.

  • You can sign in 10-15 minutes early to allow for any technical difficulties you may encounter.

  • To the right is a video called “Joining a Meeting” if you need help. Please be patient and plan for a slight learning curve.

Once I am connected what do I do?

  • Audio only:

    • Have your phone on speakerphone, headphones, and or close enough so you can hear with ease.

  • Video:

    • Set up your device far enough away so that you can be seen and loud enough so you can hear.

  • Last minute preparation:

    • Adjust your space and device/phone while waiting for class to begin.

Individual Webcam Sessions

When you need one-on-one sessions I will be offering those at a discounted rate until further notice. You can see my online webcam sessions by clicking the button below. My online classes offer the maintenance movement portion of my discipline. There is so much more plus we focus on your specific issues and find ways for you to help yourself every day.

Teacher Donations Welcome

  • Due to the global health crisis, the classes are free until the end of March. After that donations are welcome!

  • As my office is closed due to the global pandemic this is how I am continuing my practice.

  • To give you an idea my typical drop-in class is $25. Click on the button below to donate.

Teacher Donation